Why lactating women vulnerable?

Why are lactating women vulnerable? 

In lactation, the nutrients present in breast milk come from the mother. This puts a heavy strain on the body, in addition to recovering from the psychological stress caused by pregnancy and delivery. So, if enough food is not provided, the lactating women can become malnourished.

Once the pregnant woman delivers a child, the lactation period starts. A common practice observed is to neglect neglect care of the mother, Once the child is born. This is due to the belief that breast feeding does not increase food needs, compared to the growing foetus. Is it true?

As you are aware the newborn baby depends solely on breast milk for its nourishment during lactation. Hence whether the baby is outside or inside the womb of the mother, it gets it nourishment from the mother. Henc, the lactating women also need extra food like the pregnant woman. For proper breastfeeding in the term of quality and quantity, lactating women need to eat more food specially energy (for work) body building(grow) and protective (glow) foods. They need food which are good source of vitamin A and Calcium.

What influence food intake in lactation?

The dietary care is being neglected after the baby is born and many foods are restricted because of the belief that child's health will be affected example foods cause diarrhoea, cough. Thus, multiple factors influence the food intake of women drastically and result in nutrition deficiency. This, in turn affects the secretion of breast milk and then the low production of breastmilk, affects the health of the baby.
Why is breast feeding the best?
milk comes from the breast even before the baby is born. When baby Sickles at the nipple, this causes the milk to come into the best and continue to flow.
If all babies are to be healthy and grow well, they must be fed with a breast milk. Breast milk contain all the nutrition a healthy baby needs. It is a food produced by the mother especially for the baby. It also has substances which protects the baby from getting running belly or other infections which make the baby sick.

When the mother breastfeeds and hold her baby closely, she gives warmth and security as well as food. This makes mother and baby to get close and loving. Breastfeeding often the without giving baby any other kind of milk can prevent a women from getting pregnant. To be fully protected, the couple should use family planning method, which do not affect  breastfeeding.

 Breast milk goes straight from the mother breast to the baby and never gets too hot or too cold. If a breast-feeds, she loses the weight put on during pregnancy more quickly than if she does not. The womb will get small faster when a mother breast feeds.
The mother who breast feeds, will not have to use a feeding bottle or buy artificial milk formulae. It cost much less for the mother, to eat a little more than to by special food for the baby. Eating extra food gives her energy to produce proper breast milk. Breastfeeding also saves her time, as the mother will not have to mix baby feeds and to sterile and utensils. 

By:-Dietcian alfiya
